CASF Scholar featured in UN Women's mini-documentary

CASF Scholar featured in UN Women's mini-documentary


Chrok Sony, a CASF scholar, was recently featured in the mini-documentary “DREAM.” The documentary was produced by the Cambodian organization Breakthrough, which is supported by UN Women.

Sony is studying International Relations at the University of Cambodia. In the documentary, she speaks about her educational journey and the challenges she overcame to achieve her dreams.

View the full video on Facebook.

Calling all Teachers!


The Cambodian Scholarship Foundation, based in Portland, Maine, has been working since 2001 to educate and empower adolescent girls in Cambodia.

In Khmer, “Su Su!” means, “To work!” or “Study hard!” A Su Su! Club is a group of youth who support the education of adolescent girls in Cambodia through communication, advocacy, and fundraising.

By creating a Su Su! Club, your students will be guided in activities to advocate for girls’ education, and will communicate directly with students in Cambodia. They will be challenged to change the world through their own direct actions.

 Click on the link above for more information and to start a club.

Su Su!


CASF Gala 2018

A stunning weekend of celebration for CASF: Our Gala and Silent Auction brought together old and new friends to support our work in Cambodia. Program Coordinator Panha Kol arrived in the US in time to join us at the event, before heading to Middlebury College, where she has been awarded a full scholarship to study Chinese for 8 weeks. A group of 6 CASF friends accompanied Panha to Middlebury, where we were greeted by Associate Dean of the Language Schools, Beth Karnes Keefe, who has worked so diligently to help Panha. Along the way, we had a delicious picnic at Queechee Gorge. Happy summer to all of our CASF supporters!



CASF 15th year celebration

In June 2017, CASF celebrated 15 years of educating girls in Cambodia with events on Casco Bay in Maine. Thank you to all who came to cruise the bay in the rain, and eat lobster on Long island. We are so grateful to you for your support, and here's to the next 15 years!

For more photos, please visit our Facebook page at

February 2017 CASF Board Oversight Trip

Our most recent oversight visit to Cambodia trip began on Sunday, February 19, when over 80 current CASF students and graduates traveled from Phnom Penh to an island off Kep, Cambodia for a community gathering. Although many of them had never seen the sea, they jumped onto the boat without hesitation. We had a delicious meal of pepper crab, shrimp and fish, and then swam and explored this beautiful place.

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Our CASF students are strong, fearless, and smart, and they know how to have a good time.

In a visit to our village in Kandal, the university students led small group discussions with our high school students to guide the younger ones in their university and career decision-making.


We narrowly escaped a black scorpion. And we visited Panha's beautiful mother.

During our visit to our villages in Svay Rieng province, we visited with commune leaders and school officials, thanking them for participating in last year’s CASF program evaluation and getting their input on the results.

We donated books to schools in Doun Sa and Meun Chey, and took the first steps towards opening the CASF/Open Book Community Library in Ta Kheng Village.

Students asked us to explain to them where the scholarship money comes from, and then created a beautiful sign to thank donors.

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And we met the newest member of the CASF community, graduate Mao Sokunthy’s one-month old baby.

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Update: Close the digital gap in Svay Rieng

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Only one week left in our campaign to bring digital technology to our villages in Svay Rieng. If you are in Phnom Penh, we have left a donation box at our wonderful partner organization, Open Book Reading Room, at #41Eo, Street 240 (see their Facebook page at

You can also send a donation through WING to 017706929. Or, click on Donate Now above. 

Thank you!

Update: Close the digital gap in Svay Rieng


Hello, CASF friends,

One week into our June 2016 Challenge, we have already raised almost $1,500. To those of you who have already given, we thank you! 

If you have not given, we encourage you to take a look at our website and learn more about the compelling area of Svay Rieng in Cambodia. Our students come from an area that is rich in community, but poor in resources. By donating to this challenge, you will bring the world into their villages.

If you are in Cambodia and would like to give to this campaign, you can send $5 or $10 through WING to 017706929.

To see more about the challenge and to donate, click here:

Close the digital Gap

There are still 8 silk Cambodian scarves left! The first 8 people to donate $100 or more will have their pick of these.

 Akun!Julianna NielsenExecutive Director



Julianna Nielsen

Executive Director